Heartwood Log Homes, handcrafted in Nova Scotia, Canada, since 1984

Currency Converter

US Customers: The current exchange rate between the US and Canadian Dollars could result in significant savings for you when we build your log home. You can use this calculator to see the current exchange rate:

Please note: This is a free currency calculator provided by a company offering money transfer services. We have never used TransferMate and cannot vouch for the service. Please contact us directly to send a payment.

Alternatively, click here to find the current exchange rate on Google.

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Heartwood Log Homes Ltd.

Mailing address:
1624 Stronach Mtn. Rd
Nova Scotia
Canada B0S 1N0

232 Forest Glade Rd., Margaretsville,
Nova Scotia



Tel: (902) 765-6596
Fax: (902) 765-2414


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